Feature description - Combine Orders with MicroInventory

Combine Orders to save on Postage to the same Customer. Here is a walkthrough of the scenario

  1. Customer buys a product and later on makes another purchase
  2. At the end of the day you import the orders into MicroInventory
  3. The imports could be uploaded as multiple files into MicroInventory
  4. Once the imports are uploaded to MicroInventory, you can download the orders
  5. The downloaded orders are automatically combined in case of a repeat purchase by the same Customer in selected Order files


  1. Download file Fields Selection and Names
    1. Open your Amazon/eBay account and select Downloads Settings -> Fields selection link
    2. You will be able to see all the fields that are available to select
    3. You can select the fields and name them as it feels fit for you
    4. You can toggle the visibility as well as per your requirements
  2. Shipping Assignments the Combining Orders
    1. Open your Amazon/eBay account and select Downloads Settings -> Shipping Assignments link
    2. You can provide your requirements in two dimensions
      1. Shipping Assignments
        1. Assigning a Shipping Type of your requirement to any Product name matching and the quantity
        2. The Downloaded file will automatically have this Shipping Type assigned and you do not have to do any post processing
      2. Shipping Priorities
        1. Provide your Shipping Type and its Priority in number format
        2. When Combining Orders during Download process, Shipping Type will take precedence as provided in this table