You can perform Age Verification through MicroInventory if you have this plugin enabled. There is usually a charge for this service, each check also incurs a charge. Please check with Sales team to enable this service for you.

  1. Login to your MicroInventory Account
  2. Goto Apps -> Amazon or eBay (Top Navigation Menu)
  3. Select your Amazon Account from the list provided
  4. Click on the Select Account Button
  5. Click on Sync Account or Orders -> Process Imports
  6. Select Imported Order fields and choose ID Checks -> AgeChecked - Check Selected
  7. Select AC Account (AgeCheck_Plugin) and click on Create AC Checks
  8. Note - We only Support UK Customers at the moment
  9. Now go to Apps -> AgeChecked
  10. Select AgeChecked_Plugin and click on Select Account button
  11. Select the Batch of Orders you need to Age Verify
  12. Choose Queue -> Queue Selected
  13. Click on Queue
  14. Process the Age Verification Queue - Select Send all queued AC
  15. Click on Send button to start the process
  16. Choose the Start/Resume queued tasks processing to begin the verification process
  17. You should see the progress through the Progress bar as below